The Golden Light Core Process Psychic Reading™
The Golden Light Process Consultation™
The Golden Light Energy Sound Healing™
The Golden Light Trauma Reprocessing and Realignment™
The Golden Light Psychic Development Training Program™
The Golden Light Boundaries and Safety Training™
The Golden Light Transition Coaching™
The Golden Light Core Process Psychic Reading™
- Do you think you have psychic gifts and don’t know what they are or how to access them?
- Do you sense that you might have a deeper purpose or that there’s more to life and have been unable to find your personal path?
- Do you feel that your energy is stuck and out of balance and this creates physical challenges like neck, back, shoulder pain or other types of imbalance patterns? Do you suspect something deeper is going on and you’ve been unable to find relief?
If your answer to any of these questions is “Yes” than The Golden Light Core Process Psychic Reading ™ is for you!
The Golden Light Core Process Psychic Reading ™ is a unique, interactive dialogue where Louise connects with the client while aligning with her source of Divine Information, using a technique she's developed called Energetic Structural Analysis™.
Your Psychic Gifts
During your reading Louise will tell you what your specific psychic gifts are.
She will educate you about the gift of Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Visionary, Clairsentinance and Claircogizance and how your gifts inform your learning style and how you process your reality.
Blocking Beliefs and Erroneous Concepts
And with this understanding of your gifts we'll go deeper and understand how this relates to your path and purpose. Using her gift of Claircognizance, Louise downloads information that highlights your inner landscape and how your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and past experiences shape your present moment.
This important information becomes our roadmap for you to process deep seated, buried, erroneous concepts that you may have taken on from your family of origin or from our culture.
Once these core beliefs are brought to conscious awareness, your energy can become unstuck and you are better able to align with the truth of who you really are. And with this new vibrational shift your path and purpose in this lifetime become clear.
Physical body messages, emotional messages and energy imbalances.
Your new vibrational shift allows you to process physical challenges in a different way.
Louise helps you discover what core messages your physical body is expressing and how your specific imbalances connect with your energetic and emotional bodies.
You'll learn that psychic individuals frequently experience energy blocks that manifest in their physical vehicles.
You'll also discover what thoughts and feelings need to be processed and integrated so that you are able to move forward, find relief and heal.
You will be given suggestions that are tailored to you about beneficial alternative approaches to healing, self care, stress management strategies and information on how to experience greater satisfaction and freedom in your life.
Two Hours: $250.00
The Golden Light Process Consultation™
This reading is a two hour energy exchange with Louise that includes an interview, information on your psychic gifts, energy sound healing and personal recommendations. Together we look at how I can assist you moving forward in your transformational process.
Two Hours: $250.00

The Golden Light Energy Sound Healing™
The Golden Light Energy Sound Healing sessions work with the body's electromagnetic system to reset, realign and reformat the client's energetic circuitry.
This powerful modality uses Energy Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing and Meridian Therapy to release blocked energy in the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. As blocked energy is released and integrated the body rebalances creating improved immune system functioning, reduced pain and inflammation and an enhanced sense of well being.
Two Hours: $200.00
The Golden Light Trauma Reprocessing and Realignment™
- You will learn to reprocess your trauma in a new way as you create a healing space for yourself of compassion, self love and radical self acceptance.
- You'll learn to honor and acknowledge your personal power, resilience and the inner creativity that helped you survive.
- You will come to understand that being in your body will allow you to safely unfreeze and reprocess whatever situations that have created your suffering.
- You will learn to feel, work with and recognize your body's fight or flight response, which is your body's innate, hardwired response to danger.
- With my support you'll learn how to align with the truth that you did not deserve what happened to you no matter what you've been told.
- Together we'll work in small pieces to reprocess and realign what's happened to you as not to overwhelm.
- I will teach you how to create healthy self talk and how to disconnect repetitive thoughts that are not true and no longer serve you.
- Through our relationship you'll learn that revealing what's happened to you, receiving support and nurturance from another human being is safe now even if it feels scary at first..
- As I hold space for you, you will allow yourself to have the feelings that you could not have in the past because it was not safe to feel them at that time.
- You will learn how to set healthy boundaries and to trust yourself in dealing with other human beings.
- You'll learn it's safe to say” Yes” to yourself by saying “No” to people that you do not wish to engage with.
- You will learn to create space between old, hardwired, habitual, trauma related reactions and your new way of being.
- You will learn how to relax and practice self care.
- Assignments are given that help the client safely discover how their trauma situation affected their subsequent relationships and life choices.
- Please be aware that in the Trauma Reprocessing and Realignment process the client always has the power to say “Yes” or “No” to any aspect of this experience.
- As we work together you'll see steady progress.
- Together we'll harness the power of your Spirit Guides, Angels, Power Animals and all the forces of the Light to create maximum healing and integration.
- No matter what's happened in your life it's not indicative of what you can have and how you can heal right now.
Two Hours: $200.00

The Golden Light Psychic Development Training Program™
Imagine how satisfying and different your life would be if you could wake up every morning and receive guidance from your Divine Source.
The Golden Light Psychic Development Training Program™ will give you the skills you need to discover your psychic abilities and connect with your Spirit Guides, Power Animals and Angels.
Each person has a unique journey while doing this training program and because every individual has different levels of personal material that needs to be worked through it is not possible to give you an exact number of session this process will take. Typically my clients take anywhere from 10 to 25 sessions to complete their full training.
In 30 years of doing this work with clients, I've learned that the CLEARING aspect of this training is the most valuable foundational and time intensive part of the work.
Because if someone has any hidden, subconscious beliefs that they are not psychic than it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and they will not be successful.

In the The Golden Light Psychic Development Training Program™ :
- You will learn to GROUND your body. This allows you to sense energy in heightened ways that expand your awareness and opens the door to utilizing your psychic gifts.
- You will learn to TUNE your physical vehicle as you balance your chakras and energy systems, which enhances your energy flow, health and well being.
- You become AWARE of and CLEAR any belief systems and energy blocks that prevent you from accessing your psychic abilities.
- I will help you IDENTIFY which of the five psychic gifts you possess ( Clairaudience (Hearing), Clairsentience (Feeling), Clairvoyance (Connects with those no longer on the earth plane) Visionary (Seeing) and Claircognizance (Knowing) and then you will begin to work with your Divine Source.
- You will DEEPEN and INTEGRATE your connection with Divine Source and LEARN the most expanded ways to ask questions and receive information.
Each Golden Light Psychic Development Training Program™ session is 2 hours: $200.00
The Golden Light Boundaries and Safety Training™
- Come into your body, connect with your energy flow, feel safe and experience freedom.
- In life people have experiences that teach them that it is unsafe to be in their bodies.
- Through learning a new type of focus and developing a new kind of inner dialogue you can come into you body and feel safe.
You will learn that when you feel your body in a more heightened way you are actually much safer than when you make the choice to leave.
When you're in your body moving through your daily life you are more aware of what's happening inside of you and around you, which gives you more power in your present moment.
Through a series of exercises and sound healing interventions you will experience a stronger energy flow in your body, feel much safer, and have a much greater sense of personal freedom.
Two Hours: $200.00

The Golden Light Transition Coaching™
All human beings are in a constant state of transition.
Transition can mean leaving or beginning new relationships, changing careers, dating, moving to a new location, committing to another, coming out and can also include working through areas of life where we feel stuck.
Individuals can find relief from Fear of Public Speaking, Performance Anxiety, Stage Fright, Fear of Flying, Fear of Standardized Dot Tests like the MSAT, GMAT, Medical Boards, Bar Exams and Acupuncture State licensing boards.
Two Hours: $200.00