About Louise
Louise, creator of the Golden Light Psychic Development Process™ is a Divine Connection Coach™, Healer, Therapeutic Facilitator, Spiritual Process Counselor, Psychic Development Workshop Leader and Energy Sound Healer.
She offers clients the compassion, understanding and experience of her own on-going transformational journey that began in 1988 with a spontaneous Kundalini awakening that changed her life forever.
Using her psychic abilities Louise supports and assists clients in connecting with their own personal source of Divine Information. She guides clients to acknowledge and embrace their own personal power, which is a major component of healing Body/Mind/Spirit imbalances.
After 30 years spent working with clients Louise has come to believe that the best way to help an individual move towards their highest healing is through working in person.
The power of the therapeutic relationship that the client has with Louise is accelerated and enhanced when experienced as a face to face, heart to heart, in person encounter.
Louise believes that this expanded, comprehensive healing space cannot be duplicated in cyberspace, which is why she only offers her work to clients in her NYC office.

To book a session please call:
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More about Louise…
Louise moved to NYC in 1976 to chase her dream of becoming a professional opera singer. Her dream came true when she moved to Germany to sing opera in Wiesbaden. No matter where she’s traveled Louise has always considered NYC her home.
When not working Louise goes to Yankees games, shops at Fairway, takes care of her Border Collie mix, rescue dog Emma, cooks, swims and tends to her two 14 ft. trees and numerous plants in her Upper West Side apartment.

Disclaimer: Louise is not a physician and does not diagnose or treat physical or mental illness. When there are serious illnesses, injuries, or mental/emotional problems, a physician or mental health professional of your choice should be consulted. These services are not a substitute for medical treatment.